BATNA vs Reservation Price: Understanding Your Negotiation Leverage

Two terms that are widely used in negotiations are BATNA and Reservation Price. BATNA means Best Alternative To a Negotiated Agreement, while Reservation Price is the minimum amount or terms that you are willing to accept from the other party. At Aligned, we call them walkaway points since it's the point in which you would walkaway from the deal (makes sense, right?)
In this blog, we will discuss the differences between BATNA and Reservation Price and how to use them to your advantage.
1. The Basic Concepts
BATNA and Reservation Price are two concepts that help negotiators understand their negotiation leverage. BATNA stands for "Best Alternative to Negotiated Agreement." The BATNA is the best outcome a party can obtain if negotiations fail. Knowing your BATNA (and WATNA - Worst Alternative...) is essential as it gives you the power to walk away from a negotiation that does not benefit you. Reservation Price, on the other hand, is the minimum offer or price you are willing to accept. It is the least you are willing to take for a product or service, and it gives you an idea of your negotiation limit.
2. Importance of BATNA
For those that read our recent post on the topic, you know this already. Having a BATNA is essential in any negotiation. It gives you the power to walk away from an agreement that does not satisfy your needs. It also gives you confidence and strengthens your negotiation position. Knowing your BATNA enables you to have a clear understanding of your options and the consequences of not reaching an agreement. As a result, you can make informed decisions and protect your interests.
3. Importance of Reservation Price
Reservation Price, also known as the walkaway price or resistance point, is the minimum price (or maximum price) or offer that you are willing to accept (or pay). It is an important concept in negotiation as it helps you determine the least favorable outcome you are willing to accept. Setting a reservation price is necessary to avoid a bad deal. It also sets boundaries and ensures that you do not compromise on your objectives.
4. BATNA vs. Reservation Price
BATNA and reservation price are interconnected concepts in negotiation. Both help negotiators understand the power of alternatives and the importance of setting limits. BATNA is the best alternative to a negotiated agreement and helps negotiators determine their negotiation leverage. Reservation price, on the other hand, is the limit a negotiator is willing to accept. Together, these concepts help negotiators achieve their negotiation goals.
So, are you ready to negotiate? Use your power wisely and make informed decisions that benefit you and your business.